
A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.

I don't know any more either, dude.

Mike O’Brien announces Mike Zadorojny as lead designer for the second Guild Wars 2 expansion

We've reached the end of the third season of Guild Wars 2's story, and now... what comes next? A new expansion, we all know...
Be here now.

City of Titans and Ship of Heroes team up for City of Heroes successor panel at PAX West

There will be a City of Heroes panel at PAX West... after a fashion. The game may be gone, but the City of Titans...

Guild Wars 2 team answers living world questions while dancing around expansion spoilers

Is it too early to declare this the week of Guild Wars 2? What with the release of the much-anticipated One Path Ends season...

Guild Wars 2’s expansion reveal set for August 1

Finally! Live on the Guild Wars 2 website is a teaser for the game's second expansion, to be formally revealed a week from today at...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 128: Geeks at Disney World

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, World of Warcraft, Dark and Light, RuneScape, RIFT, and Star Trek Online, with mailbag questions on when an MMO "clicks" (specifically, FFXIV) and what non-fantasy MMOs still exist.

Shroud of the Avatar stymies insider trading at the perceived expense of backer privileges

Yesterday, Shroud of the Avatar's Starr Long announced a change to its testing forums that has ruffled more than a few backer feathers. "Due to the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 One Path Ends is live, plus first impressions of Siren’s Landing

I realise that you were probably expecting some rather excited ramblings that contained my first impressions of the Guild Wars 2 season 3 finale, One...

Blade and Soul announces server merges, hypes upcoming patches

Major events are in motion over at Blade and Soul, illuminated by the game's newest producer's letter from Jonathan Lien. While Lien spent a...

70% of Lineage M’s launch players were over 30 years old

The Lineage franchise continues its unstoppable runaway train force in South Korea -- this time with Lineage M. Korea's Pulse News reports that Lineage M...

Guild Wars 2 cracks down on PvP match manipulation

Guild Wars 2 players who were engaging in shady activities designed to boost their PvP win count and status are finding themselves the target...
Sit the eff down.

Gigantic devs liken their graphics to candy and plastic toys

If you love to hate on brightly colored cartoony-stylized graphics of games like World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and even Wildstar, know that...

One Shots: Hail to the victor!

Have you ever been able to capture a truly victorious moment in your MMORPG journeys? Rees Racer did, and he is not above showing...

The Game Archaeologist: EverQuest II East

Publishing a video game globally is a monumental task, more so if it is a live online game such as what you'd find with...

Guild Wars 2 teases its legendary Orrian hammer, retailers fiddle with release dates

There's a lot of excitement, confusion, and uncertainty regarding Guild Wars 2's immediate future, but it's looking like the devs are going to keep...

Aion gets frosty with Omens of Ice update

It may be a sweltering summer outside, but inside Aion it is frozen solid. Patch 5.6: Omens of Ice has released, giving players a lot...

Choose My Adventure: Two approaches to whining about DC Universe Online

Dear readers, today I am going to try something different for all of you. And it's predicated on the fact that I'm not just...

Guild Wars 2: One Path Ends speculation and the Black Lion Hunters Contract

Hear that buzz? It's Guild Wars 2 gearing up for its third season finale next week... and then, ultimately, pushing into uncharted territory with...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 127: EVE walks no more

Justin and Bree discuss Secret World Legends, LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, EVE, SWTOR, Black Desert, Albion, and Citadel, plus a mailbag question on class and character investment in MMORPGs, with a special interview segment featuring ARK: Survival Evolved composer Gareth Coker.

Guild Wars 2’s living world season 3 finale is ‘One Path Ends’ – here’s the trailer!

Bummed out over that weak Guild Wars 2 fractal tease last week? We're getting to the good stuff today: ArenaNet has just announced that...
Oh, thanks.

RIFT brings on a new community manager

ArcheAge isn't the only game at Trion Worlds that's shuffling around its community team these days. RIFT announced last Friday that it brought on board...