Black Desert’s companion app, Black Desert+, is available now
If you play a lot of Black Desert, you might wish there were a way to get a little bit more of the game even...
Introducing the Massively Overpowered Objectivity Guide and App
Friends, enemies, ladies, gentlemen, morphean blobs, and colours out of space, we know that the most pressing question on your mind when you read...
The Daily Grind: What do you want companion apps for MMOs to do?
I quite like the World of Warcraft: Legion companion app; it gives me a chance to send off my companions on missions, start research,...
Take a look at the Warcraft movie scenery VR-style
Do you want to properly simulate the feeling of flying through World of Warcraft on the back of a gryphon? There's an app for...
Guild Wars 2 talks up PvP tourneys, app development challenge
ArenaNet can't stop talking about competitive Guild Wars 2 PvP here lately, and today brings us a blog post focused on the World Tournament Series...
Ex-Bioware doc Zeschuk building virtual playground apps
When last we heard from Greg Zeschuk, it was 2012 and the games industry was swiftly receding in his rearview mirror. Now, though, one...