bears bears bears
Guild Wars 2’s Janthir Wilds Kodan are basically cute environmentalist bears
Before today, I might've said that nobody loves talking about bears as much as our writers, who keep penning articles about cool MMO bears,...
World of Warcraft: Afterlives highlights Ardenweald – if you can bear it
We are happily resurrecting old memes with the latest installment of the World of Warcraft Afterlives animated shorts because watching this video should aggro every bears...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best bears?
To this day there are few things that have bothered me as much as seeing someone refer to bears as "a big pile of...
H1Z1 targets bear AI, goes on sale for $8
As impossible as it might have seemed, H1Z1's next patch is going to be improving bear AI to make the ursine contingent of the...