beginner’s guide

Vitae Aeternum: Five MMO tips for New World Rise of the Angry Earth newbies

With the hype around Rise of the Angry Earth, a lot of players are starting or restarting their journey in New World. In my...

Not So Massively: Four things I wish I’d known when I started Magic Legends

Inevitably after a couple weeks in a new game, you've learned a few things that you wish you'd known from the start. For me...

EVE Evolved: The rookie’s guide to fitting ships in EVE Online

The ship fitting system is one of EVE Online's most powerful and useful features, but it comes with a pretty steep learning curve for...

The greenhorn hunter’s primer: Getting started in Monster Hunter World

As the end of January draws ever closer, so too does the official console release of Monster Hunter: World, the latest entry into Capcom’s...