
The Stream Team: Talking Warframe and TennoCon 2023

Massively OP's MJ is back from TennoCon 2023 (and has had at least a little rest). While the news about what's on the way...

The Stream Team: Celebrating 10 years of Final Fantasy XIV ARR

It's not every day you get to have a 10th anniversary, and that's just what Final Fantasy XIV is doing, which naturally means that...

The Stream Team: Closing up Old Wounds in SWTOR

Believe it or not, Massively OP's Larry hasn't wrapped up the latest content in SWTOR yet! Today, however, he should be able to close...

The Stream Team: Checking out Astroneer’s custom game mode

The adorable fun of Astroneer with custom game modes? Heck yeah! Massively OP's MJ is pretty excited about the recent big update that introduced...

The Stream Team: Zombies rise in Backseat Streaming’s Undawn

In an era of armchair warriors, we bring you Backseat Streamers! Here, Massively OP’s Chris and MJ get to take a backseat and watch...

The Stream Team: Wandering Neomuna’s streets in Destiny 2

MOP's Chris is heading back to techno town! That is to say, he's returning to the Neomuna destination of Destiny 2 to see about...

The Stream Team: Doing Warframe’s Duviri Paradox as a group

Now that Massively OP's MJ has finished the Duviri Paradox intro in Warframe, she can finally group up with her friends again. And group...

The Stream Team: Celebrating 8 years of Trove with party piñatas

Trove has just turned eight years old, and Massively OP's MJ wants to celebrate so she's throwing a piñata party. Then there's also an...

The Stream Team: Soaking up Star Wars Galaxies on its 20th anniversary

It's a bit ironic that Massively OP's MJ is celebrating (and streaming) both of her favorite games' anniversaries today, and both non-original iterations are...

The Stream Team: Sauntering through Secret World Legends for its 6th anniversary

To this day, if you were to ask Massively OP's MJ what her favorite game is, she'd answer The Secret World as one of...

The Stream Team: Lining up for some first fights in the demo version of Warhaven

MOP's Chris is continuing his brief tour of the Steam Next Fest's offerings in today's stream! This time around, he'll be taking his first...

The Stream Team: A peek at the open beta of Coreborn Nations of the Ultracore

The Steam Next Fest is on, and there are several games joining in on the demo and beta testing melee. One of them is...

The Stream Team: Neverwinter 10th anniversary giveaway with devs

Who doesn't like getting goodies at a birthday party? Well, today is Neverwinter's 10th birthday, and Massively OP's MJ has gifts to give away...

The Stream Team: Trying out the Storm Blast powers for real in City of Heroes Homecoming

Last time in the Homecoming rogue server of City of Heroes, MOP's Chris was peeking at the Storm Blast powerset in the PTS. This...

The Stream Team: Talking Star Trek Online’s Unraveled with devs

Star Trek Online's newest season, Unraveled, brings Massively OP's MJ face-to-face with the Tholians (and their webs) again -- with an interesting twist. While...

The Stream Team: Playing around in the creative space of Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis has released its ver. 2 update, and while there are some different features added to the game with...

The Stream Team: Playing actual Dungeons & Dragons

So what happens when Massively OP's MJ can no longer play Dungeons & Dragons Online on D&D night because something is mega wrong with...

The Stream Team: Returning to Anthem

Earlier, MOP's Stream Team kicked back and watched some gameplay footage from inside of Anthem. It reminded Chris of his time tromping around in...

The Stream Team: An anniversary romp in Age of Conan to commemorate 15 years

Sometimes you blink and years have gone by! That's how Massively OP's MJ felt when she noticed Age of Conan was celebrating another anniversary....

The Stream Team: Taking a look at the mad world of Mad World

So just what does a "hell-made" multiplayer ARPG look like anyway? MOP's Chris is going to find out for at least a little bit...