blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Why and how Warhammer Online failed

It might be hard to remember at this point, but back in 2008 there was a fever-pitch excitement for Mythic's Warhammer Online. The RvR...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most expensive item you’ve ever bought in an MMORPG cash shop?

A few weeks back, I was super excited about the elk mount coming to the Elder Scrolls Online cash shop. I needed a mount...

MMO Year in Review: New Eden free-for-all (November 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...

Leaderboard: What’s the best classic MMORPG still running?

By design, end-of-the-year awards rollouts usually recognize the new shinies. Seldom do they honor the resilient MMORPGs, the games that solider on for years...
Hello again.

MMO Year in Review: A whole New World (September 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMORPG gaming resolutions for 2017

Are you the type of gamer to make resolutions? I'm not, but I know a lot of people who map out their year ahead...

MMO Year in Review: We are Legion (August 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...
You know, it can really be your jong.

Diablo anniversary fever spreads across Blizzard’s library

Did you know that it was 20 years ago this week that the original Diablo released? Well, if you're playing any Blizzard game at...

Perfect Ten: Biggest MMORPG surprises of 2016

Back at the beginning of December, I posted a list of what I considered to be the biggest MMORPG stories of 2016. However, there...
Avec les hommes et le Pokey.

MMO Year in Review: Pokemon madness (July 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...

Massively OP’s 2016 Blooper Awards: Worst MMORPG Jargon of the Year

Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our blooper award for Worst MMORPG Jargon of 2016. And the winner is... "Class Fantasy" World of Warcraft has been pushing...

Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: Best MMORPG Expansion or Update of 2016

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Best MMORPG Expansion or Update of 2016, which was awarded to Guild Wars 2's Heart...
Do I look like a patient cow?

World of Warcraft is getting 35 new legendaries

If you've been lucky enough and the RNG gods have smiled upon you in World of Warcraft, you might be rocking one or more...

Global Chat: Boobs and wrinkles edition

Is the infamous "chainmail bikini" slowly disappearing from western RPGs and MMOs? Pete at Dragonchasers thinks that it is... and he kind of laments...

MMO Year in Review: The Landmark and WildStar Steam parade (June 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...

Diablo III psyches players up for Season 9

On January 6th, Diablo III's Season 9 is set to roll out worldwide and invite players to enjoy a fresh journey through the game's...

Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: MMORPG Studio of the Year

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Best MMORPG Studio of 2016, which was awarded to Square-Enix last year. We asked our writers to...

MMO Year in Review: Carebear tears of Elyria (May 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...

MMO Year in Review: WoW’s legacy server snarl (April 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...
Mead mead mead mead mead mead.

MMO Year in Review: EverQuest Never (March 2016)

This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we...