bonnie armstrong
Ultima Online’s producer steps down after 26 years working on the MMORPG
It's the end of an era in Ultima Online: Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong has announced what sure sounds like a retirement from her role as...
Ultima Online says it has ‘no plans to introduce legacy rulesets’
Seems as if everyone wants to talk legacy servers lately, what with RIFT and World of Warcraft getting on board the vanilla train. Even...
Ultima Online suspends ‘advisor’ program ahead of F2P conversion
Back in 2014, Ultima Online revived its classic "counselor" program as a new "advisor" program -- essentially, it roped in community-minded, expert players to...
Ultima Online fires employee over cheating scandal
You don't need to be a brand-new and modern MMORPG to suffer major cheating scandals, something the nearly 20-year-old Ultima Online has reminded us...
Ultima Online on the fall patch, 19th anniversary, and cash shop bugs
Ultima Online's latest newsletter teases publish 94, on the way this fall in the game, which ought to turn 19 years old the same...
Ultima Online tests invasion quest, teases future content
It's May, so that means it's time to start planning for Halloween, right? Well, maybe if you're Ultima Online. In the game's latest newsletter,...
Ultima Online rejects F2P rumors, says Steam launch has been held up by EA
If you were waiting to try Ultima Online when it launches on Steam as devs have been promising for over a year now since...
Ultima Online’s next patch lands this March
Ultima Online latest newsletter, part of a new initiative to insert itself into your inbox, reveals the Broadsword team is hard at work on...
Exclusive: Broadsword on the state of Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot
Today we're hanging out with Broadsword Online Games, the indie studio that emerged from the implosion of Mythic Entertainment a while back. Broadsword is...
Ultima Online seeks players for expansion focus group
Ultima Online producer Bonnie Armstrong has put out a call for player focus testers. Broadsword is searching for somewhere in the neighborhood of 250...