capital ships

EVE Evolved: Big things are happening in EVE Online this spring

There's a lot going on in EVE Online right now, from the insane storyline playing out right now in-game and new Triglavian ships on...

EVE Online revenge war update: The war machine stalls

Last week we brought you the news of a massive new war brewing in the north of EVE Online, and The Imperium's threat of revenge...

EVE Evolved: A massive war for revenge is brewing in EVE Online

Just over a year ago, the largest PvP conflict in gaming history kicked off in EVE Online as war erupted between the game's most prominent...

EVE Evolved: Does EVE Online need more conflict-drivers?

Of all the terminology associated with EVE Online, the one thing that's always made me a bit uncomfortable is to hear players describe PvP as "generating...

EVE Evolved: The Siege of M-0EE8, the new largest battle in gaming history

In the political sandbox of EVE Online, colossal player-run military coalitions frequently war over territorial conflicts, in revenge for past transgressions or just for...

How players will control capital ships in Star Citizen

Not every spacecraft in Star Citizen will be some sleek, agile fighter; the team is prepping powerful, lumbering capital ships such as the Idris...

EVE Vegas 2015: Citadel expansion details revealed

CCP promised some big reveals at EVE Vegas 2015 and so far it has definitely delivered. In yesterday's EVE Online keynote speech, we heard concrete...

EVE Vegas 2015: What to expect from EVE Vegas 2015

While the main event of the EVE Online community calendar is undoubtedly the annual EVE Fanfest in Iceland, smaller fan-run events have popped up...

EVE Evolved: Bring on the big expansions again!

When EVE Online's development switched from two major expansions per year to ten smaller releases, the benefits were pretty difficult to argue with. EVE...

EVE Evolved: New roles for capital ships

In the past two editions of EVE Evolved, I looked at the Aegis sovereignty warfare overhaul and how it played out in a recent...

EVE Evolved: The war for Providence

In the previous edition of EVE Evolved, I looked at how the state of PvP in EVE Online has changed since the Aegis Sovereignty...