
See: Cloud Imperium

Choose My Adventure: Flying, dogfighting, and struggling with hardware in Star Citizen

Well, talk about a massive disappointment. After a bunch of attempts, tweaks, and some general stubbornness, I'm pretty much going to have to concede...

Star Citizen suspends over 600 accounts over ‘illicitly gained’ credits earned thanks to an exploit

It would appear that some mass gold duping was going on in Star Citizen recently as a result of an exploit found within the...

Star Citizen’s May dev report shares work on new ships, new game modes, and progress towards 4.0 and 1.0

It's time yet again for a monthly Star Citizen progress report, and while much of the May 2024 edition is understandably about alpha 3.23...

Choose My Adventure: Returning to Star Citizen (and fussing with tech)

It's been a long while since I got to hop into Star Citizen. Not for a lack of desire, but mostly for a lack...

One Shots: Stargazing for incoming asteroids

Now that you've got the Jurassic Park hymn playing in your head from today's headline picture, you're prepared to romp around with dinos, stick...

The Daily Grind: What’s the worst whaling in a multiplayer game you’ve seen in the last year?

This week, mainstream MOBA gamers flipped alllll the tables over Riot Games' gambit to sell a $450 League of Legends cosmetics bundle themed around...

Star Citizen debuts the new Ironclad heavy hauler and shares an update on the Polaris capital ship

The Invictus free-fly event continues to be the focus for Star Citizen, particularly as it's being used as a platform to debut all-new and...

Star Citizen’s Invictus Launch Week free-play demo and ship sales event is underway

It's time once again for CIG to set its cash registers ringing, draw in new players, and otherwise give everyone playing Star Citizen a...

Star Citizen’s current development roadmap tentatively plots alpha 4.0 for the third quarter of this year

Regular readers and followers of Star Citizen news know that CIG has been promising a "road to 4.0" in recent months -- recall that...

Star Citizen officially enters alpha 3.23 with new quality-of-life and mission features

After a whole lot of teasing, talking, and showcasing, Star Citizen has finally released alpha 3.23, bringing with it a few new mission features...

Star Citizen showcases the creation of the two brand-new animals coming to alpha 3.23

Land on any planet in Star Citizen currently and you'll be greeted by things like weather patterns, flora, and very possibly a derelict or...

Star Citizen answers questions about alpha 3.23 and readies Invictus free-fly event for May 17

CIG is still hoping to drive player interest in Star Citizen's alpha 3.23 as the studio focused on the upcoming new build in its...
it's not even on a teevee

Global Chat: How much is Fallout 76 benefiting from Amazon’s Fallout series?

MMO blog Tales of the Aggronaut looked at the recent phenomenon of Amazon's popular Fallout series and any correlating increase in the games' populations,...

The Daily Grind: What does your ideal space sim MMO look like?

Even a quarter-century into the MMORPG revolution, we still haven't seen an interstellar MMO that really fits what I'm seeking in a space sim....

Star Citizen runs down alpha 3.23’s feature set including the return of Invictus event and a new hoverbike

Cloud Imperium continues to promise that Star Citizen's alpha 3.23 is right around the corner, which is a similar refrain provided in this week's...

Star Citizen allows third wave of testers to alpha 3.23’s PTU, talks about upcoming UI changes

Now that access to the PTU of Star Citizen is linked to overall account activity, players have been waiting for their turn in line...

Star Citizen brings new race tracks and a first look at engineering to alpha 3.23’s Arena Commander

While many of the reveals shared by Star Citizen for alpha 3.23 have been focused on the persistent universe portion of the game, the...

Star Citizen says alpha 3.23’s personal hangars would have made the game ‘literally unplayable’

This past weekend, we reported on the news that Star Citizen had to delay the addition of personal hangars and other related gameplay elements...

Star Citizen pushes back alpha 3.23’s new hangars and cargo missions, adds in water physics instead

For the past several weeks, Star Citizen has been talking up the features of its upcoming alpha 3.23, often calling it one of the...

Star Citizen releases a new launcher and talks about its ongoing Overdrive Initiative missions

CIG is certainly not the first MMO to unleash an inordinate amount of fanfare for releasing a new game launcher, but even so, there...