cma 2018 ffxi

Moth fight.

Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XI in review and choosing our next MMO

Here's the weird part about this week's column: I'm going to tell you, in short, that Final Fantasy XI is still a good game...

Choose My Adventure: Capping things off in Final Fantasy XI

All right. When last I left off my Final Fantasy XI time, it was... wait, June 7th?! What the heck happened? If not for...
Talkaru to someone with fewer speech tics.

Choose My Adventure: For the short folks of Final Fantasy XI

You wouldn't think this was something that would frequently slip one's mind, but somehow I manage to repeatedly forget that Dancer was made in...
bye, felicia

Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XI makes me feel like dancing

Some weeks you have more time or less to do stuff. I managed to get a fair chunk of time in for Final Fantasy...
Oh, hey guys.

Choose My Adventure: Two milestones at the start in Final Fantasy XI

If I have to summarize, in brief, how much Final Fantasy XI has changed since its launch in the United States? In half an...
Moth fight.

Choose My Adventure: Starting fresh-ish in Final Fantasy XI

This is actually a Choose My Adventure that I was somewhat reluctant to do for a long time, simply because... well, in some ways,...