cma 2018 ultima online

No biscuit

Choose My Adventure: Ultima Online, we didn’t need to do this

Yes, this is going to come in as the shortest Choose My Adventure series, but I feel it's got a good reason to be...

Choose My Adventure: In which Ultima Online makes its displeasure known

So... this is an interesting situation for me. I've had a number of games that I've played for Choose My Adventure that I haven't...

Choose My Adventure: And now, Ultima Online, sooner or later

Oh boy. So, yes, I did actually play some Ultima Online. Or I tried to play some Ultima Online, at least. I'm not sure that...
No biscuit

Choose My Adventure: Getting started in Ultima Online

The interesting thing about this installment of Choose My Adventure is that it's probably the only time I could ever do this particular title....