cma 2019 elder scrolls online

Choose My Adventure: So long The Elder Scrolls Online, hello Legends of Aria

It's been a refrain in this edition of Choose My Adventure, but I still have to say it again: I have had a blast...

Choose My Adventure: Dungeon diving in The Elder Scrolls Online

Pretty much everything I've done in The Elder Scrolls Online has been a delight, so I was going in to my chosen task for...

Choose My Adventure: Further bear adventures in The Elder Scrolls Online

First things first: I got my bear. This, as many players will attest, is the most important part of being a Warden. I had...

Choose My Adventure: Stunning vistas and snotty elves in Elder Scrolls Online’s Summerset

Choose My Adventure is slowly becoming a source of delight for me, especially if I'm able to play games like The Elder Scrolls Online....