cma 2019 runescape

Choose My Adventure: The simple joys of RuneScape and duo gameplay

I've often wondered to myself why there seem to be so many in-development MMORPGs that stubbornly and desperately cling to the idea of the...

Choose My Adventure: Finding the perfect group activity in RuneScape

Early on in this month's Choose My Adventure, a reader in the comments mentioned that RuneScape is the perfect game to have a CMA,...

Choose My Adventure: The Slayer skill and the power of cabbage in RuneScape

Talk about a landslide decision. This round of adventuring for CMA saw my husband and I take up the Slayer path in RuneScape, which...

Choose My Adventure: The married couple team arrives to RuneScape

I really should have done this sooner. This round of Choose My Adventure is starring my husband, and almost immediately the difference in having...