cma 2019 star citizen

Choose My Adventure: Sorry, everyone, but I had fun in Star Citizen

In spite of best efforts and even better advice, it's often pretty easy to have other folks bring you down for enjoying something. We...

Choose My Adventure: Star Citizen’s missions and their bugs

Before I begin, a bit of a program note for this edition of CMA: I kind of had to break from the voting selections...

Choose My Adventure: I am not good at drug running in Star Citizen

There's a rather popular quote in military circles that goes "no plan survives contact with the enemy." This quote springs to my mind as...

Choose My Adventure: Postcards from the Star Citizen universe

Your votes last week in my first Choose My Adventure gave me a great way to start looking around the environs of Star Citizen...

Choose My Adventure: Taking the steering wheel of Star Citizen

Star Citizen's recent free fly event, and in particular the time I spent with MJ and friends riding an extremely swanky ship, has gotten...