cma 2021 trove

Choose My Adventure: Club Worlds are the pinnacle of player creativity in Trove

Homestead who? Dungeons what? Player-made items? Don’t need ‘em. The pinnacle of player creativity in Trove, without any peer or equal, is the Club...

Choose My Adventure: A quick spot of building and crafting in Trove

I have to admit, this one didn't take long at all to get through. I sort of assumed that building things in Trove was...

Choose My Adventure: Back to the basic joys of dungeon running in Trove

This is way more like it. The bare bones, basic, simple delight of Trove continues to be running around the open world, heading to whatever...

Choose My Adventure: A sample platter of classes and a taste of Geode boredom in Trove

You know what the problem is with Trove in the beginning? It just throws so much stuff at you that when you do something...

Choose My Adventure: Tearing through the colorful world of Trove at breakneck speeds

The idea to play Trove this month ended up being something of a needed breath of fresh air for me. With all of the...