cma 2021 wiz101

Choose My Adventure: What Wizard101 taught me about ‘kiddie’ MMOs

My brief time in Wizard101 has pointed out to me a rather deep-seated assumption I had held about the game. Granted, I had said...

Choose My Adventure: The point where Wizard101 blends in with other MMOs

I feel like I’ve got the general thrust of Wizard101. For the most part, anyway. This week it was all about trying to clear the...

Choose My Adventure: Fizzle frustration, boss beatdowns, and slowly forming strategies in Wizard101

Remember last week how I wrote about being surprised at the depth of Wizard101’s combat? This week I learned that the game’s combat can...

Choose My Adventure: The combat is the sauce in Wizard101

It’s only been a little bit of time, but I am already mightily impressed with Wizard101. The game has a pretty rich and involved following,...