cma 2023 age of conan

Choose My Adventure: Age of Conan engages my barbarian rage

Let me be honest with you all: This week saw me ragequit out of Age of Conan, though not quite to the point that...

Choose My Adventure: Finding frustrations in Age of Conan

If that headline wasn't a big enough clue, then let me just go ahead and reaffirm: This week, life in Age of Conan was...

Choose My Adventure: Settling into Age of Conan’s uncomfortable routine

Today's Choose My Adventure column is about the groove. I think some folks know what I mean in relation to MMOs (or even gaming in...

Choose My Adventure: Age of Conan underwhelms almost immediately

For an MMORPG that has been out for as long as it has, Age of Conan sure feels like an early access title. And...