
See: City of Heroes

The Daily Grind: Do you prefer soloing or grouping in MMORPGs?

As we belatedly covered yesterday, the developers of upcoming indie MMO Saga of Lucimia believe that group-centric play is the solution to a problem supposedly created by the...

The Daily Grind: How would you mix MMO features to create the best one ever?

Today's Daily Grind question -- more like command! -- from Massively OP Kickstarter donor Tim is short and sweet: Mix features to create your perfect MMO. It...
Boys and girls in cars, dogs and cats on lawns - from up here I can see them all.

Valiance Online moving into alpha development

On September 25th, the Valiance Online developers announced that the game was soon moving into its alpha testing phase with non-combat power use, crafting,...

The Daily Grind: What kind of physics-based gameplay do you expect in a next-gen superhero MMO?

When I first read Massively OP Kickstarter donor MagmaFist's Daily Grind submission, I suspected him to be a big fan of Gravity/Force Fields Controllers in...

Massively Overthinking: Graceful MMO free-to-play transitions

In honor of WildStar's free-to-play transition this week, Massively Overthinking is about to overthink the very best F2P transitions ever. Even if you don't...

Jukebox Heroes: Your top 20 favorite MMO soundtracks

I've been a sneaky columnist, my friends. Oh yes I have. In my last Jukebox Heroes I posted my top six favorite MMO soundtracks,...

The Daily Grind: What’s the grindiest MMO?

Allow me to butcher a phrase: MMO grind is in the eye of the beholder. A few hundred architect entertainment missions in City of...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite tale from the olden days of MMOs?

I have a notoriously poor memory for anything that happened more than five years ago. I might not have even been alive, for as...

The Daily Grind: What would you do to ‘fix’ Champions Online?

Whether it's good news or weird news or bad news or bad news that belatedly turns into good news, any post about Champions Online inevitably...

One Shots: Blown away by a kiss

First of all, thank you to everyone who heeded the call for more screenshot submissions! I know you all love sharing those in the...

Massively Overthinking: Building your dream MMORPG

Massively OP Kickstarter donor xenaphex wants to hear about our dream MMOs. What really makes you tick? What would you build with a million-bajillion...

One Shots: Pin-up calendar

Here's an interesting idea: using screenshots to make a calendar! Reader Elana was part of a team that did just that in The Secret World:...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO prison?

Fictional prisons can be pretty fascinating to explore in books and video games. I've noticed that pretty much every MMO has at least one...

Marvel Heroics: My Marvel Heroes wish list

If there's one constant in the gaming universe, it's that every MMO player has a wish list. It's almost impossible to spend any length...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO futures that never were

One of the things I spend a lot of time thinking about is Operation Unthinkable. For those of you who don't feel like clicking...

Perfect Ten: Clever features that should be in more MMOs

MMOs are built on the backs of many interlocking systems, some more crucial to the experience than others. While I have great appreciation for...

One Shots: Holding a torch for City of Heroes

No, you're not seeing yet another ancient screenshot from the late, great City of Heroes. No, this is something far more recent and special....
You made it sing, all right.

Paragon Chat sees 200 concurrent users at peak

Paragon Chat is not the City of Heroes revival that everyone wants, obviously, but it is a chance to walk around, chat, and enjoy...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best storyline in an MMO?

Story is a polarizing word to MMO players: Either you love it or hate it, or maybe you just think it stinks or isn't...

City of Titans demos its costume-making process

Every superhero worth her or his salt knows that it's the costume that makes the hero. Well, that and a heapload of mutant powers,...