Fight or Kite: Multiplayer games to play over the holidays with friends and foes, 2023 edition
Tis the season, everyone! Grab your loot and get ready. I hope you have a little bit extra time to yourselves or at least...
WoW Factor: Evaluating World of Warcraft’s 2023 progress and performance
So 2023 is not completely in the rear view yet, but at least in terms of major developments for World of Warcraft we can...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best console or mobile experience as of 2023?
The Daily Grind is all on you lovely readers today, for while I own a Switch and a PS5 now, I really don't play...
From the Depths: World of Warships teases key mechanics changes to subs and aircraft carriers
World of Warships is a title that seems to be under constant scrutiny for community interactions, aggressive monetization, and the deployment of random mechanics...
Vague Patch Notes: It’s never cheating in MMOs when you do it
My friend from Final Fantasy XI was, understandably, upset. He had just been suspended for a week, and he had been warned that continued...
The Daily Grind: How bad are you about spamming jumps in MMORPGs?
Jumping in MMOs was a mistake, at least if you want everyone to have a deep reservoir of decorum and calmness. A simple tap...
End-of-Year Eleven: The best MMO expansions and updates of 2023
If you want to look at the overall health of the MMORPG industry, one vital heartbeat that must not be missed is continual development....
The Daily Grind: How many different MMORPGs did you play in 2023?
With the end (of the year) in sight, it's time to start planning our exit strategy and lay preparations for the onslaught of 2024...
Choose My Adventure: The joy of performing menial tasks in Project Gorgon
The problem I have with sandbox MMORPGs is the thing that most people herald as their greatest strength: their unguided nature. The ability to...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best graphics as of 2023?
We all know that there is no right or wrong answer to this question, right? Plenty of photorealistic games look like trash, and plenty...
Wisdom of Nym: What I definitely do not want to see in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail
We don't have very long left to go before the next Final Fantasy XIV fan festival; there's even a countdown clock on the official...
Vitae Aeternum: Predicting New World’s 2024 roadmap
Every year, the Massively Overpowered staff gathers to make predictions for the year to come in MMORPGs. But I have so many thoughts on...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best advances in crafting in 2023?
For today's Daily Grind, I am not asking you which MMO has the best crafting of all time. That game is dead and lives...
The Daily Grind: Which aesthetic era in your MMO of choice was your favorite?
Any MMO that last long enough goes through various aesthetic eras. It's just inevitable. Especially if you can browse back through old appearances, you...
LOTRO Legendarium: Recapping Lord of the Rings Online’s crazy-busy 2023
Sixteen pages. Sixteen pages is how far back I had to flip through Lord of the Rings Online's news feed here at Massively OP...
The Daily Grind: Did you accomplish your MMO goals in 2023?
It feels as if we are light-years away from our January 2023 resolutions -- if, indeed, we actually made any. Perhaps you had a...
WoW Factor: The real reason World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm world revamp was awful
'Tis the season for all of us, once again, to talk about the deeply unpleasant and disappointing expansion that was World of Warcraft: Cataclysm,...
The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO trend of 2023?
No, really, I suspect "thousands of game devs being laid off from nearly every major game studio and also some of the small ones"...
Vague Patch Notes: What you can’t forget in MMOs
Years ago, I had a relationship with someone I met in Final Fantasy XI. It wasn't a good or solid relationship by any stretch...
The Daily Grind: What’s a small piece of MMO news from 2023 that makes you happy?
You know what I'm really looking forward to next year? Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, in part because it's bringing Viper along with it. Now,...