community discussion

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The Daily Grind: What MMO would you attend a special convention for?

As you read this, dear readers, I am winging my way to Las Vegas to attend the second Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival, which...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most welcoming community you’ve experienced?

There's nothing worse for me when I'm playing an MMORPG than to be in a game where the community is either purely toxic or...

The Daily Grind: What business model do you want to see for Amazon’s New World?

Following the announcement that Amazon Game Studios is working on multiple online games, one of them a massively multiplayer sandbox called New World, players...
But not quite so much.

The Daily Grind: What MMO would you like with a different game’s combat engine?

There are things I really like about The Secret World; the combat has never been one of them. However, if I could somehow mix...

The Daily Grind: What new thing have you learned about your MMO lately?

Learning, I've found, is an active exercise that takes a concerted decision to start. Too often, it's very easy to settle into what you...

The Daily Grind: What features do you like in MMO mounts?

Not all MMORPG mounts are created equal. For starters, some are horses, some are mutated pig-things, and some are Road Warrior deathmobiles. My favorite...
I am so tired.

The Daily Grind: Should MMO mentors have special rewards?

No one respects the mentor tag in Final Fantasy XIV. It's applied via an automated process, and the idea is that you're supposed to...

The Daily Grind: What would be on your MMO haunted tour?

Halloween is coming, my friends, and that means not only pumpkin spice shortages but minds turned to the dark, the spooky, and the delightfully macabre....
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

The Daily Grind: Whom do you think Kickstarter is really *for*?

In developing Eliot's Perfect 10 on MMO Kickstarters last week, he and I had a discussion revolving around #4 -- specifically, we felt we...
Ironically, this is the sort of controversy you'd probably rather face from inside a hot tub.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs do you play to reduce stress?

If you follow gaming research at all, you've probably heard of Dr Jane McGonigal, a professor, gamer designer, author, and pro-gaming think tank researcher....
Day one.

The Daily Grind: What MMO events have you stayed up for?

When the first two World of Warcraft expansions launched, my wife and I were there for the midnight launches. We set up our schedule...
Go away.

The Daily Grind: Are you tempted by Amazon’s new Twitch Prime service?

Last night at TwitchCon, Amazon and Twitch announced a new service they're calling Twitch Prime. Basically it's an added perk of an Amazon Prime...

The Daily Grind: How long should the MMORPG genre’s hardest raids take to beat?

This week, after World of Warcraft: Legion's mythic Emerald Nightmare raid launched, a Russian hardcore guild called Exorsus had the raid cleared within 18...
This is the way we won't.

The Daily Grind: What cosmetic changes would you like for your MMO character abilities?

We live in an era when most designers have noticed that we like to control what our characters look like as well as how...

The Daily Grind: Are you a bad MMO hero?

By now it's an old hat that all MMORPGs keep casting us in the role of local hero and world savior. No matter where...
All right. We have figured this out now.

The Daily Grind: Is there an old MMO trend that’s never coming back?

Massively OP commenter BalsBigBrother made a joke the other day about wanting me to stream Ultima Online, and I replied that the game is...

The Daily Grind: How do you solve the MMORPG ‘Jedi Problem’?

MOP reader Witches noted in the comments of last week's Perfect Ten that Firefly seems to be better-suited for the kind of world that...

The Daily Grind: What do you want companion apps for MMOs to do?

I quite like the World of Warcraft: Legion companion app; it gives me a chance to send off my companions on missions, start research,...

The Daily Grind: What would you like MMORPG vanity pets to *do*?

I think I've made Bree roll her eyes dozens of times when I've waxed poetic about my love for vanity pets in MMOs. Hey,...

The Daily Grind: Are MMOs better the second time you play them?

Whenever someone makes a statement like "video games are better the second time you play them," my gut reaction is "nuh-uh!" That's exactly the...