
Finally, we know what to expect from Pokemon Go’s Wild Area event in November

Despite Niantic announcing the event months ago, Pokemon Go's upcoming Wild Area event has until now been opaque to players. The studio initially said...

The Daily Grind: What are the advantages of playing MMOs as a hobby?

Have you ever had to explain or defend your hobby to someone who doesn't share that? Sometimes that can be a positive experience with...

Choose My Adventure: The progression conflict in Once Human

I don't want to claim that I necessarily hit a wall with my time in Once Human during my playtime for Choose My Adventure...

City of Titans’ primary city designer has passed away from cancer

We've heard some sad news out of Kickstarted superhero MMORPG City of Titans: Its chief city designer has passed away. Missing Worlds Media posted...

The Daily Grind: Does quality or economic pressure matter more when you’re spending in MMOs?

During a recent investor call, NetEase made an interesting statement about gamers' spending habits that I wanted to pluck out and discuss. The question...

The Daily Grind: How many actions do you want to juggle at a time in an MMORPG?

Back in August, Heartless Gamer penned a blog about his "rule of 10." Here's how he defines it: "s a player, I can manage 10...

The MOP Up: FFXIV fans party hard at Gamescom 2024

Final Fantasy XIV's European contingent partied hard at the recent Gamescom 2024 -- the first such gathering in five years. The community team reported...

One Shots: Even monsters should brush their teeth

Imaginations being what they are, I've spent perhaps too much time thinking about what sentient monster lives are like when we're not beating the...
Oh, this is much better.

WRUP: The final edition

All right, that's it, I'm done. We've run this joke as far as it possibly can in the headers of What Are You Playing....

The Daily Grind: Do you have a cozy (pumpkin spice) autumn MMO?

Autumn is upon us in the northern hemisphere, and that means comfy clothes, crisp smells, trips to the cider mill, and supermarkets stocked with...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s October outlook offers more tricks than treats

It's almost October, and that means Halloween in Pokemon Go, where the tricks are expected and the treats come with bugs, no matter how...
Hit 'em with the ol' razzle dazzle

The Daily Grind: How long do you stick with a failing MMO PUG?

MOP's Carlo recently brought this question to the MOP team after he suffered through a particularly bad PUG - that he put together himself...

Conan Exiles Age of Heroes adds a dynamic needs system to your army of thralls

Funcom has dropped a new dev blog on Conan Exiles' Age of Heroes release, and it's all about thralls - you know, your NPC...

Ultima Online devs are working with ClassicUO modders to rehab the ancient client and renderer

We're going for a record here, clearly! This will mark the third time we've needed to write about Ultima Online this week, what with...

The Guild Wars 2 community prepares Foostival events for fans in France and Germany

Voulez-vous aller a une fete pour Guild Wars 2? Parce que ca arrive bientot! There, see, those French lessons did pay off for work....

DC Universe Online launches new Harley Quinn episode – and controversial paid currency

This week's content release for DC Universe Online would normally be a nice thing to point out since, you know, it's adding new gameplay...
What was I made for?

The Daily Grind: Would you love to return to your MMO’s glory days?

Nostalgia is a heckuva drug, and while it's fun in small doses, it can be painful if you mainline it. So maybe it's only...

Choose My Adventure: The quest for power and pants in Once Human

After last week's Choose My Adventure episode, it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that my Once Human character would get some pants for...

PlanetSide 2 studio Toadman was hit with some nasty layoffs and studio closures this month

A few weeks back, Daybreak's Enad Global 7 announced that it was laying off a chunk of its subsidiary Toadman Interactive and closing down...
Have some stuff.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever bumped into anyone in real life who plays your MMO?

My husband just started up his fall semester, and every year he gets new students to advise. This year, he found out his newest...