daily grind

See: The Daily Grind

The Daily Grind: What if World of Warcraft never launched?

It is 2003, and after several years of development and hype, Blizzard Entertainment sizes up its World of Warcraft project. The studio decides that...

The Daily Grind: What MMO could really use a true fresh start server?

We talk a lot about progression servers and vanilla servers, branches of MMOs that use different rulesets, either new or old - we even...

The Daily Grind: Are you concerned about the future of World of Warcraft?

Given the week that Activision-Blizzard just had - capping off a record financial year by haphazardly firing 800 employees, literally provoking union groups to...

The Daily Grind: What are the moments in MMOs that make you feel powerful?

You know, for all the fun of going back and curbstomping low-level enemies, that doesn't make me feel powerful in an MMO. What makes...

The Daily Grind: When have you bumped into MMOs in real life?

The other day I was driving through my neighborhood and I happened to look at a cross-street that read WESTFALL. And, being the former...

The Daily Grind: How much does nostalgia drive your MMO play?

Blogger and MOP reader Serrenity recently pointed us to a Kotaku article on the subject of video game nostalgia. Author Alyse Knorr maintains that...
home sweet whatever

The Daily Grind: What’s the MMORPG without housing that would benefit the most from adding it?

Housing is a big and elaborate system to add into any game, and it's always an expensive system to include in terms of resources....

The Daily Grind: What do you want out of a space sim MMO?

It's a good time to be a yearning space pilot, as Elite: Dangerous is already on the field and titles like Star Citizen and...

The Daily Grind: Are you concerned about New World’s setting?

When New World was announced back in 2016, the MMO community went to work dissecting everything, from its PvP system to its business model...

The Daily Grind: Is there an MMO or other online title you won’t let your kids play?

So it happened last week: My kid told me I was mean because I wouldn't let him play Fortnite when all his friends got...
go UP

The Daily Grind: Do you have any love for jumping puzzles in MMOs?

It's hard for me to be sure exactly when MMOs decided that jumping puzzles were the thing to include as an option. Guild Wars 2 certainly...
Oh, please be all right.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO took the most effort to click with you?

I think that many of us MMO veterans have a story or two in our past that involves not getting a game the first...
My God, it's full of nonsense.

The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO newbie experience that you powered through anyway?

Earlier this week, Justin mentioned that he was toying around in classic EverQuest, and he said he was playing through the tutorial. That surprised...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the biggest homogeneity problem with outfits?

Every MMO has a certain upper limit on how many different outfits you can come up with. That's just the reality. And some games...

The Daily Grind: Are you looking forward or backward with your MMO picks?

We do find ourselves in a very strange time to be MMO players. While there are plenty of titles in development and early access,...

The Daily Grind: How bad are delays for MMOs, and how much does communication help?

Last week, a newly minted Ship of Heroes fan posted a comment on the game's official forums saying he'd studied in-development MMOs and settled...
ROBOT ROCK - wait, can't play that song.

The Daily Grind: Have any of your MMO accounts ever been hacked?

For all I know, all of my authenticators are just placebos; I've never actually had an account get hacked. There are accounts I've lost...
Somebody pull.

The Daily Grind: Why are you still an MMORPG fan?

No, MMOs aren't dead. I just want to put that out there; there are millions of us still playing them, dozens (if not hundreds)...

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs that turn you off just based on history?

We were having an interesting discussion in work chat the other day about EVE Online involving Brendan and me. Brendan, obviously, is the expert on...

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs for ambient sociability?

In my gaming time, I switch back and forth between MMOs and solo games (often adventure or RPGs) quite often. When I'm in the...