
Star Citizen suspends over 600 accounts over ‘illicitly gained’ credits earned thanks to an exploit

It would appear that some mass gold duping was going on in Star Citizen recently as a result of an exploit found within the...

Diablo IV temporarily disables player trading after gamers discover an item and gold duping exploit

It looks as if there's another exploit that's upending things in Diablo IV. One of the OARPG's community managers has confirmed on Reddit that...
I tricked you!

Ultima Online dev reminisces on chasing cheaters and combusting castles

If you're a longtime Ultima Online player, you surely know the name Tim "Draconi" Cotten, even if only from seeing his name on holiday...

The Daily Grind: How should MMORPGs handle duping scandals?

The title for today's Daily Grind isn't exactly what you think it is, so consider this a trick to see who read the whole...

Polish retailer is the latest to make Fallout 76 a gift-with-purchase as duping clean-up is deemed a success

Today in who's giving Fallout 76 away for free, we have Polish retailer X-Kom, which was reportedly bundling the game with $5 PlayStation 4 thumbsticks to sell...
Hey, I duped that fair and square!

Fallout 76 is nuking duped items with today’s maintenance

We can all agree just from observation over the past couple of months that Fallout 76 has a variety of issues, but the preponderance of...
Still crazy after all these years.

Dungeons and Dragons struggles with lag after data center move

If you're one of the Dungeons and Dragons Online players struggling with extreme lag (or concerned over rumors of duping) in the wake of last...

Excessive duping leads to Ark: Survival Evolved wipe

Hundreds of dinosaurs were horrified to learn this week that human invaders in Ark: Survival Evolved weren't merely eking out an existence on their...

Read the confession of an MMO duper

Dupers -- players who take advantage of exploits to duplicate rare items in-game in order to sell them -- can be a type of...