The Daily Grind: What moments do you feel people have missed if they haven’t played your favorite MMOs?
When we try to sell people on MMOs, we naturally talk about systems or mechanics. If I wanted to convince someone to play World...
The Daily Grind: What gaming lessons from 2019 are you bringing forward in the new year?
We're into 2020 now, and that means it's the year of hindsight. (That is also the last time I'm allowed to make that joke, so...
The Daily Grind: When did you realize you were no longer a beginner in an MMO?
I tend to think of myself as a beginner in any given MMO for a really long time. Like, to the point where I'll have...
The Daily Grind: What are acceptable barriers to experience the story in an MMO?
One of the things that strikes me with a certain degree of bemusement is how often various bits of story in Guild Wars 2...
Revelation Online details the fine points of aptitude
You'll earn experience by doing a lot of things in Revelation Online, but don't you wish that you could earn more experience for doing...
Wisdom of Nym: An uncomfortable season for Final Fantasy XIV
My original plan for this week was to dive into the newest parts of the the Palace of the Dead, but I shan't mince...
WoW Factor: Assessing WoW after two weeks of Legion
All right, so it's actually closer to a week and a half. I'm torn between an eye-rolling "it's only been a week and a...
First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion, part one
It was around the time that I was burning my way through drakes that I found myself nodding in appreciation. This was it, I...
The Daily Grind: Do you have to reach the top of an MMO to really understand the game?
We all play MMOs in different ways, and I personally tend to play to reach the top. It's no shock if I tell you...
In Revelation Online, players level when they choose to
Can a character be defined by more than just its level and gear? Revelation Online plans for exactly that, and wants to give the...
EverQuest II introduces Experience Vials with its next major update
We all have a friend or two in MMOs that's a really good player but really lousy at actually leveling. Some people just don't...