
Oh, good, you're finally awake.

Halo Infinite gets Skyrim’s Whiterun as a player-created map

Hey, you. You're finally awake. We thought we'd lost you in a horrible nightmare; you just kept rolling over and mumbling how Skyrim is...
All your base, etc.

Fan creates an elaborate mod for building bases in No Man’s Sky

Building a base in No Man's Sky is important. It's inspiring. It's a moment of self-identification. It is complicated, too, because there are a...

The Daily Grind: What’s the MMO with the biggest anti-fandom?

When an MMO gets big enough, you get its anti-fandom. This is not the same as people who don't particularly like a game; some...
So long, farewell.

EverQuest II fan news site EQ2Wire is closing its doors

If you've been even remotely active online about EverQuest II over the past nine years, you probably know EQ2Wire. It's been a long-running and...
How hard is it to print and cut cardstock?

Guild Wars 2’s unofficial card game is now available on Tabletop Simulator

Do you remember the unofficial Guild Wars 2 CCG? If you don't, you should, because it's absolutely awesome. In concept, anyway; while Luke Dowding...