game archaeologist

See: The Game Archaeologist

The Game Archaeologist: Asheron’s Call 2

MMO sequels are funny animals. Sequels (along with prequels and "reimaginings") are ingrained into the entertainment industry so deep that it makes sense that...

The Game Archaeologist: Asheron’s Call

It's hard being the youngest child -- you get the hand-me-downs, suffer through swirlies by older siblings, and eventually develop such a neurosis that...

The Game Archaeologist: Shadowbane

Way back when I used to haunt the corridors of Gamestop and had yet to shun the place due to its stinky evil, I remember...
It was real, Justin.

The Game Archaeologist: Seed

Seed is a game that I thought I must have dreamed up at some point. Do you ever have that happen? For years I...

The Game Archaeologist: Dark Sun Online

Computer RPG players in the late '80s and early '90s were surely familiar with Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) and its now-famous Gold Box series....

The Game Archaeologist: The assassination of Lord British

At the end of August 2015, the fledgling Shroud of the Avatar community gathered together for a massive PvP fight. This wasn't to be...

The Game Archaeologist: Anarchy Online

"The future in your hands." This was Funcom's promise to gamers in the early days of the 2000s. Even as the MMORPG genre slowly took...

The Game Archaeologist: Lucasfilm’s Habitat

Some of you reading this may simply never have known a world before the internet existed by virtue of your age. It's not your...

The Game Archaeologist: Star Wars Galaxies’ NGE

It became one of the most infamous moments in MMO history -- and perhaps one of the most misunderstood. For all that the MMO community...

The Game Archaeologist: Microsoft’s Mythica

While Microsoft may be the big cheese when it comes to operating systems and worldwide domination, for whatever reason the company has the absolute...

The Game Archaeologist: Kingdom of Drakkar

Kingdom of Drakkar, also known as Drakkar or even Kingdom of Drakkar II, is a really odd duck among the annals of MMO history....

The Game Archaeologist: The Sims Online

The Sims Online was one of the odder entrants into the MMO genre, an online iteration of an immensely popular game franchise that promised...

The Game Archaeologist: The 4th Coming

Over the years that I've been writing The Game Archaeologist, I've received more than a few requests to cover a game that was completely...

The Game Archaeologist: Seven MMOs operating on borrowed time

Most everyone who knows me well will acknowledge that I'm not generally a cynical, dark person. I'm not rooting for games to fail, for...

The Game Archaeologist: Mythic’s Imperator Online

It is a truly difficult thing to create something completely new and original, especially in storytelling and setting. It's perhaps impossible in this day...

The Game Archaeologist: Multiplayer BattleTech

It was the 31st century, where feuding factions decided to settle their differences by throwing multi-ton war robots at each other. It was also...

The Game Archaeologist: AOL’s Neverwinter Nights

Here's a question for you: How much do you really, really have to love a game to pay $6 to $8 an hour to...

The Game Archaeologist: What Star Wars Galaxies life was like before the NGE

A decade after Star Wars Galaxies' "New Game Enhancements" hit the game, controversy, grumbling, and revelations still pop up about the notorious decision to...

The Game Archaeologist: Roleplaying dreams in Underlight

After years of digging into the field of classic MMOs, I know there aren't too many undiscovered titles that haven't been brought to my attention...