game preservation roundup

cars go vroom vroom

Stop Killing Games opens worldwide petitions and shares a UK government response in update video

Readers will likely remember that last month we reported on the Stop Killing Games initiative, a grass roots campaign started by YouTuber Ross Scott...

It’s 2024 and the ESA is still fighting game preservation, forecasting a depraved ‘online arcade’

If you're a longtime MOP reader, you might remember that back in the late teens, we followed the Electronic Frontier Foundation's efforts to petition...
Crewed Oil.

‘If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing,’ say gamers reviewbombing the remaining The Crew games

Ubisoft's self-inflicted wounds continue their slow damage-over-time effects as the company that responded to the Stop Killing Games initiative by killing The Crew 1...
A bit of a message disconnect.

Ubisoft pulls The Crew 1 from player libraries, encourages them to ‘check the store to pursue your adventures’

Last March was the final bell tolling for multiplayer racer The Crew 1, as Ubisoft completed an announced sunsetting of its servers, effectively making...

Vague Patch Notes: Game preservation is way more complicated than it seems

Before I say anything with this week's article, I want to make something very, very clear right from the premise: As you have probably...

Stop Killing Games is a modern games preservation initiative prompted by The Crew’s cynical sunset

The words "game preservation" are holy words here on MOP and in the MMORPG genre beyond, as few gaming communities understand the pain of...

The Soapbox: The day my son lost his first online video game to a sunset

It was a few weeks back that I walked into our family room and saw my 14-year-old son crouched over the iPad with a...

Choose My Adventure: What Final Fantasy XI taught me about games preservation and the ‘good old days’

Well. This has been a journey. I wasn't really expecting my return trip to Final Fantasy XI to be all sunshine, rainbows, and easy...

The Soapbox: Are modern games more disposable than ever?

Atlas Rogues went out not with a bang but a whimper. I forgot it even existed. And after it closes July 5th, it's gone....

Microsoft’s Phil Spencer advocates for game preservation through emulators

You have probably noticed by now that we here at Massively OP are proponents of game emulators for MMOs that have been decommissioned. Rogue...

Game preservation champion The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment has closed its doors

VentureBeat is reporting today that MADE, aka the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment, is closing down its Oakland, California, base. It had already...

Lawful Neutral: What DMCA exemption victories really mean for MMO preservation

You might remember back in October, we covered how the US Library of Congress granted expanded DMCA exceptions for preserving online games. The Library...
Oh, right, you.

Vague Patch Notes: The complexity of classic preservation for MMOs

Here's a fun question to kick things off. Should old black-and-white films be colorized? The key word there is "old," because there are a...

The Video Game Museum offers a home to Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, and WildStar

It's the longest of all long shots, but WildStar could be kept alive -- and in a museum, as Indiana Jones intended. And not...

US Library of Congress grants DMCA exception for preserving online games

It's a win for the good guys, at least if you figure the good guys are on the side of preserving video game and...

Raph Koster on the ESA’s DMCA battle: ‘Preservation matters’

Remember last week when we covered how the Entertainment Software Association is fighting a proposal to amend the DMCA that would help preserve online...

The ESA is fighting proposed DMCA exemptions that would preserve sunsetted MMORPGs because of course it is

Over the last couple of years, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has been petitioning for changes to the DMCA to help preserve old video games...
You made it sing, all right.

The US government is considering DMCA exceptions for archived online games after all

Back in 2015, an exception was made to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to allow for archival of aging video games that were otherwise...