generation 6

Massively on the Go: The rollercoaster that is Pokemon Go’s Go Beyond update

I've previously mentioned in this Massively on the Go column some unexpected bonuses popping up with the release of Pokemon Go’s Go Beyond update....

Niantic just announced Pokemon Go Beyond, the game’s biggest content update ever

Pokemon GO has already had an overwhelming number of events since late September, with both hits and some misses, but Niantic’s looking to close out...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s quality-of-life changes aren’t half bad

So, Niantic's pushed out a few more changes to Pokemon GO, and it's not all doom and gloom! In fact, a few changes have been...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s new event includes problematic features and stat bloat

Yes, more not-great-news in Pokemon Go, and yes, it's once again mostly about Mega Evolution. While it's been nice that the official Pokemon Go...

Massively on the Go: An open letter to Pokemon Go’s Niantic and The Pokemon Company

Dear Niantic and The Pokemon Company, Thank you for Pokemon Go. Despite my criticism, this is probably the longest I've ever played a Pokemon game. Ever. I've...

Massively on the Go: Here’s how Niantic is trying to fix Pokemon Go’s Mega Evolutions

A bit before Niantic's wellness week kicks in for employees, Pokemon Go players got an update on the Mega Evolution problem/solution. We've previously covered...

Pokemon Go studio Niantic is asking for player feedback to fix the Mega problem, adds curious Mega September events

For those who might not play Pokemon Go, our own coverage of the Mega Evolution release day probably was a small hint that the...

Massively on the Go: Everything we know about Pokemon Go’s new mega evolutions

In another new twist, Pokemon Go has just released Generation 6's big feature, Mega Evolutions, before Generation 6 pokemon themselves. While we've had mega...