Official Site: Imperator (Mythic page on Wikipedia)
Studio: Mythic Entertainment/EA
Genre: Sci-Fi Imperial Roman MMOFPS
Relevance: Never completed; canceled in 2005
The Daily Grind: What unlaunched and canceled MMO do you wish could be revived?
It's not uncommon to ask MMO players which sunsetted MMO they'd like to see returned to life. That's not the game we're playing in...
The Game Archaeologist: Mythic’s Imperator Online
It is a truly difficult thing to create something completely new and original, especially in storytelling and setting. It's perhaps impossible in this day...
The Daily Grind: What canceled MMO do you wish had been made?
MMO players are forever bemoaning the overabundance of fantasy titles in our genre. But truthfully, we have lots of sci-fi and zombies games nowadays too....