jc smith

Interview: The Repopulation’s lead dev on its new engine and survival spin-off Fragmented

Following Above & Beyond Technologies' January announcement that it was solving The Repopulation's HeroEngine crisis by getting the heck away from HeroEngine, we spoke...

The Repopulation will announce new development plans this month

The Repopulation is making plans, and they aren't plans to shut down. The sandbox studio Above and Beyond became ensnared in HeroEngine's financial problems last fall...

The Repopulation rejects blame for Hero Engine’s financial struggles

The Repopulation's struggles with the money-troubled Hero Engine service have led to game delays, server downtime, and suspended development, and the drama continues today. Earlier this week,...

The Repopulation: ‘The risk of downtime is very real’

Throughout November, we've been covering The Repopulation's troubles with Idea Fabrik, the company that runs Hero Engine, on which The Repopulation was built. Idea...

The Repopulation on expectations, SWG, and the Q4 launch

When Above & Beyond Technologies announced that its sci-fi MMO The Repopulation will launch before the end of 2015, sandbox fans simultaneously pumped their fists...