lord of the rings online

Official Site: Lord of the Rings Online
Studio: Standing Stone Games, formerly Turbine/WB Interactive Entertainment; published by Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: April 24, 2007
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

The Mop Up: FEAR is dead edition

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Perfect Ten: Clever features that should be in more MMOs

MMOs are built on the backs of many interlocking systems, some more crucial to the experience than others. While I have great appreciation for...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO festival event is your favorite?

Lord of the Rings Online's summer festival ends this week, and I'm kind of glad. I've been partaking, of course, but it's a grind...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever run an event in an MMO?

Long ago, I used to live for player-run MMO events. In old-school MMORPGs, people judged a guild's quality as much on what it did for...

LOTRO announces its 10 surviving servers

Lord of the Rings Online has begun the process of closing down some of its servers and encouraging players to migrate to one of...

Turbine to announce LotRO server closures on August 3

Turbine has published a blog post detailing Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming server transfers, server consolidation, and data center move. The company hasn't...

The Daily Grind: Do you get other stuff done while playing MMOs?

I listened to an audiobook while playing MMOs this weekend, and frankly I wish I'd thought of this before. Most of the MMOs I play...

Leaderboard: How many MMOs have you played this week?

I guess my MMO habit is back in full swing, because after a few weeks of vacationing in the realm of single-player titles (and...

LotRO’s Weatherstock and summer festival return this week

Lord of the Rings Online fans are in for a busy weekend. Turbine has dusted off the game's summer festival, which is ongoing through...

Perfect Ten: MMO fan fashion scenes

For some of us, having the best gear -- stat-wise -- isn't a driving force for playing MMOs. Now, the best-looking gear? That's a...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO plugin?

When I went back to Lord of the Rings Online a couple of weeks ago, I spent a decent amount of time searching the...

The Soapbox: An ode to MMO positivity

I had a strange thought the other day, at least as regards the MMO genre. I'm kinda having fun here. I know, it surprised...

The Daily Grind: What keeps you from crafting in MMOs?

To this day, I've really only been a "crafter" in a small handful of MMOs: Fallen Earth, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the...

Global Chat: Are fellowship maneuvers due for a comeback?

Lord of the Rings Online hasn't been en vogue in MMO circles recently, but that doesn't mean that the game and its systems are...

Check out Lord of the Rings Online’s new PvP map

After eight years of being confined to a single zone, Lord of the Rings Online's PvP population will soon get a new map upon...

LOTRO bringing cosmetic weapons, Hobbit adventures, and a PvMP map this summer

One of the long-running wish list items for Lord of the Rings Online players has been a cosmetic item system -- something that Turbine...

The Daily Grind: What’s the prettiest MMO?

Judging video game eye candy is one of the most subjective activities in our hobby, is it not? Everyone has a different standard (and...

Massively Overthinking: The value of MMO voice chat

This week's Massively Overthinking question was shot over to us from Kickstarter donor Celestial, and it's all about voice chat in MMOs. Do you use a...

One Shots: Bagpipes in the woods

I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of bagpipe music, although I do harbor a certain fascination for any musical instrument that looks...

The MMO industry mourns the passing of Christopher Lee

If you haven't heard the news already, then we're sorry to report that Star Wars and Lord of the Rings actor Christopher Lee has...