lotro newbie guide 2025 roundup
LOTRO Legendarium: MOP’s guide to unlocking Lord of the Rings Online content in 2025
While Lord of the Rings Online is a tremendous MMORPG that I would recommend to anyone in a heartbeat, I won't deny that its...
LOTRO Legendarium: 10 additional helpful tips for your LOTRO journey
Every so often in this space, I like to share helpful tips and tricks to make your Lord of the Rings Online experience more...
LOTRO Legendarium: LOTRO’s five least-played classes – and why you should play them
In gaming, I'm often fascinated by "paths less traveled." Maybe it's a leveling expansion everyone ignores, a race that's never picked for a kickball...
LOTRO Legendarium: The easiest LOTRO virtues to get as a low-level character
One of the most important yet easiest to overlook parts of your character's growth in Lord of the Rings Online is investing into virtues,...
LOTRO Legendarium: Is it worth being a zone completionist in LOTRO?
We need to start today's column with one important disclaimer: There's no right or wrong way to play Lord of the Rings Online, only...
LOTRO Legendarium: 27 practical benefits of LOTRO’s player housing
There's this ongoing common perception in MMOs like Lord of the Rings Online that player housing is good for one and only one purpose:...
LOTRO Legendarium: Untangling LOTRO’s complicated travel system
Considering how absolutely huge Lord of the Rings Online's Middle-earth has become, I'd say finding efficient ways to traverse its landscape is paramount to...
LOTRO Legendarium: 10 ways LOTRO was vastly different at launch
While I would argue that Lord of the Rings Online has grown in a remarkably cohesive way since its launch, what we have here...
LOTRO Legendarium: Eight beneficial activities in LOTRO you may be overlooking
In my personal, immediate experience, I find that even in a broad MMORPG with lots of options, I tend to narrow my activities and...
LOTRO Legendarium: How to avoid burning out in LOTRO (and other MMOs)
When Lord of the Rings Online kicked off its head start in April 2007, little did I know that I was logging in for...
LOTRO Legendarium: Is level boosting in LOTRO worth it?
While I make my way through the new King's Gondor zone in Lord of the Rings Online -- impressions coming next week, hopefully --...
LOTRO Legendarium: 10 more fun LOTRO tips and tricks
At this point, I have to ask: Am I weird for loving lists of tips and tricks for MMOs? It's almost always one of...
LOTRO Legendarium: Making sense of LOTRO’s virtue system
If you look at how your character gains power and progression in Lord of the Rings Online, you'll see four major categories. There are...
LOTRO Legendarium: 10 more tips to improve your LOTRO experience
A while back, I put together a list of 10 tips to enhance your everyday Lord of the Rings Online play experience. It was...
LOTRO Legendarium: What class should you pick in LOTRO?
Thanks for coming to the column! See you in the next one!
What, you want a bit more than that? Sheesh, fine. I'll stop amusing...
LOTRO Legendarium: Four options for character leveling in LOTRO
One of the unsung benefits of maturing MMORPGs is that they generally offer far more options for leveling and adventuring than what was present...
LOTRO Legendarium: Which LOTRO race is the best to play?
Sometimes column topics come from idle inner dialogue, while other times they may arise from a desire to do some personal research that ends...
LOTRO Legendarium: Why people bounce off Lord of the Rings Online
Any time that you are deeply invested in an MMORPG, it's perhaps one of the most disheartening and frustrating experiences to watch your friends...
LOTRO Legendarium: Maximizing your character’s first 20 levels in Lord of the Rings Online
Probably more times than I can count, I have started up new characters in Lord of the Rings Online and gone through those oh-so-familiar...
LOTRO Legendarium: What returning to LOTRO feels like
I don't think that I have ever rage-quit Lord of the Rings Online, but I certainly have put it down often enough. That's pretty...