Massively Overthinking is a weekly feature in which the Massively Overpowered writers take turns weighing in on a particular MMO-related topic before turning the discussion over to the readership. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]
massively overthinking
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2020
Earlier this week, we named our biggest MMO story of the year and gave it an award, though we imagine it's hard for a...
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2021
So... 2020 didn't go exactly as anyone planned. Our predictions for this past year were pretty janked up by that whole pandemic thing and...
Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2020
We have a fun end-of-the-year tradition on MOP to recap the best and worst MMO developer quotes of the year. In fact, I keep...
Massively Overthinking: MMO cash shop confessions
Do you ever pick up a drink absentmindedly, thinking it's going to be something, but it's actually something totally different that you hate? You...
Massively Overthinking: Gratitude for the devs of the MMO genre
Thanksgiving conveniently falls on a Thursday every year, which means it's the perfect topic for our regular Thursday Massively Overthinking roundtable. I've asked our writers what they're grateful for in and around the MMO genre the last couple of years - and now we're gonna do it again.
Massively Overthinking: No-thank-you bites in MMO gaming
One of the things I always try to have my kids do is take a no-thank-you bite of new foods. They have to at...
Massively Overthinking: What one piece of advice would you like to give to MMO devs?
Over the last couple of weeks, MOP's Eliot has pointed his Vague Patch Notes column at some friendly (and amusing) advice for MMO studios,...
Massively Overthinking: Does early access kill an MMO’s buzz?
A while back on the Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I were flipping through Steamcharts checking in on Torchlight III, and we were a...
Massively Overthinking: Doing crimes and getting punished in MMORPGs
A couple of weeks before Dual Universe's snafu banning beta players for taking advantage of a developer's poorly permissioned structure, I saw the game's...
Massively Overthinking: Where is the line between buy-to-play, free-to-play, and subscription MMOs?
You might think this Massively Overthinking topic is way too obvious, but I assure you, it's not! Consider this: When the buy-to-play-with-no-sub Guild Wars...
Massively Overthinking: What one MMO mechanic or system would you like to banish to the ends of the earth?
Back in September, one of our dear readers Aldristavan sent in a fun question for the Massively OP Podcast: What's one outdated MMO mechanic...
Massively Overthinking: How do you know you’ve fallen hard for an MMO?
For this week's Massively Overthinking, I want to bounce off something MOP's Chris tweeted a few weeks back. "I can tell a game's hooks...
Massively Overthinking: Are isometric MMOs more or less immersive than 3-D?
I was chit-chatting with MOP reader (and prolific tipster!) Panagiotis the other day about Ultima Online's big news when he hit on a topic...
Massively Overthinking: MMO voids that haven’t been filled
I swear, so many of the posts I bookmark on Reddit to muse on later wind up deleted, and today I've got another one,...
Massively Overthinking: How to deal with cheater scum in MMORPGs
I'm sure it was a random coincidence, but last week two different Star Wars Galaxies emulators posted about steps they were taking against cheaters...
Massively Overthinking: Contemplating in-game advertising
Last week, EA announced that it would finally be removing all the in-game ads from UFC4 after a few days of intense complaining from...
Massively Overthinking: How we deal with burning out of MMOs
Back in August, MOP's own Justin wrote a piece on his Bio Break blog about moderation in gaming that resonated with me. He described...
Massively Overthinking: Mixing and matching the best crafting systems in the MMO ‘verse
Longtime MOP reader Ken from Chicago recently asked us to talk about crafting - but he didn't want us to just list off the...
Massively Overthinking: Jumping the shark in MMOs
I'm sure those few people out there still bearing a grudge over the Rune-keeper would disagree with me, but one of the things that...
Massively Overthinking: Changing the mindset of the MMO genre
I recently saw a journalism professor argue that generating a widespread thinking shift in an entire profession can take decades. "You have to keep...