mj guthrie livestreams

The Stream Team: Sharing the story in Marvel Heroes

MassivelyOP's MJ is already decisionally impaired, and nothing emphasizes that as much as trying to choose whom to play in Marvel Heroes! There are...

The Stream Team: Guild Wars 2 and a giveaway

MJ is her name, and exploration is her game. That certainly bodes well for Guild Wars 2; there's plenty of undiscovered land for Massively...

The Stream Team: Preparing for The Secret World’s Issue #11

With the welcome announcement that The Secret World's Issue #11 is coming next month, it's more important than ever that MassivelyOP's MJ makes it...

The Stream Team: Getting spacey in Landmark

If you think everything about Landmark is fantasy, think again! We've seen planes, trains, and even some automobiles in this sandbox. Now MassivelyOP's MJ wants...

The Stream Team: A reintroduction to The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online officially transitioned to buy-to-play today, and that makes it a perfect time for MassivelyOP's MJ to jump back in and...

The Stream Team: An EverQuest anniversary with gifts for you!

EverQuest celebrates another year today, which means it's time for a birthday party. And do you think MassivelyOP's MJ would miss a party? Not...

The Stream Team: Testing out TSW’s Enhanced Player Experience

With The Secret World's Enhanced Player Experience out, MassivelyOP's MJ and Justin are tossing aside their higher-powered characters and facing Solomon Island on a...

The Stream Team: Exploring ArcheAge’s Diamond Shores

ArcheAge finally opened more of the Aurorian continent with the release of yesterday's Secrets of Ayanad patch. That means there is more to explore,...

The Stream Team: Braving the Brewday festivities in EverQuest II

It's that time of year again, when EverQuest II denizens raise a pint or 20 in celebration of Brewday! And as with most festivals...

The Stream Team: MOP’s 12-hour Kickstarter countdown extravaganza

We're down to the wire, folks! Our Kickstarter clock is ticking down, and there are only 12 hours left in one of the greatest reroll...

The Stream Team: Shooting Squirrel Girl to 60 in Marvel Heroes

During her last two Midtown Madness adventures in Marvel Heroes, MassivelyOP's MJ was able to get Squirrel Girl from level one to 52. But...

The Stream Team: Hanging out at Hadir Farm in ArcheAge

MassivelyOP's MJ has done many things in ArcheAge, but one thing she's never experienced is the Hadir Farm dungeon. In fact, none of the...

The Stream Team: Teaming up for The Secret World’s amusement park

There's much to love about The Secret World, as MassivelyOP's MJ and Justin will both tell you. But why settle for just telling when...

The Stream Team: Touring Qeynos in Landmark

Who says Landmark isn't very EverQuest-y? In fact, a stroll through the sandbox right now will yield quite the assortment of Qeynos buildings thanks...

The Stream Team: EverQuest Two-sday returns

Too many Tuesdays have gone by without some EverQuest Two-sday adventures, a situation MassivelyOP's MJ aims to fix right now! Tonight she dives back...