no fucking thanks

Boredom McScamhour

Shroud of the Avatar lets you process the heck out of new fetid fish types

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been playing Shroud of the Avatar and found yourself with an inventory downright overflowing in...
You are bad and you should feel bad.

Habbo Hotel goes full play-to-earn with the announcement of Habbo X

Remember when having Habbo Hotel owner Sulake selling off Habbo-based NFTs seemed just like it was pointlessly destructive grifting from an isolated unscrupulous developer? Good times....

Bless Unleashed PC is becoming a blockchain play-to-earn MMORPG

Apparently, Valofe can be counted among the other studios being seduced by the siren song of crypto and play-to-earn schemes: A press release from...
Good plan!

Square-Enix’s president is still bullish on the prospect of NFTs and blockchain in gaming

Have you forgotten about president Yosuke Matsuda's buzzword-laden blockchain pitch from the start of the year? It's entirely possible you have, since in the...

Lawful Neutral: How is an NFT MMO even supposed to work?

Recently, MassivelyOP hit a milestone: We received our quadrabajillionth email announcing that Scammy-scammers-now-with-NFTs-and-also-metaverse-because-reasons Inc. was a proven market leader with a new scamming game...
Congratulations. This now has to be in our database forever. I hate.

Whatever happened to survival sandbox Life Beyond? It went all-in on blockchain and NFTs

It's been a while since we checked in on survival sandbox Life Beyond, huh? The last time we looked at the game was back...

Richard Garriott is building a blockchain MMO following the failure of Shroud of the Avatar

Richard Garriott is working on a new MMORPG, and yes, it's filled with NFTs. Garriott, who is probably best known to mainstream gamers as the...

EVE Online boss: NFT stands for ‘Not for Tranquility’

At GDC this year, EVE Online's CCP Games raised eyebrows when CEO Hilmar Petursson was photographed meeting with crypto, NFT, and metaverse entrepreneurs. Players...