
I've looked at clouds form one side now.

The Daily Grind: Do DPS numbers help you improve your play in an MMO?

Let's be perfectly clear here, this question is not meant to be theoretical but personal. Whether or not DPS numbers should be in World of Warcraft...
Fight me, coward.

The Daily Grind: Do you trust player census numbers for MMOs?

It's a shame that developers don't really give you any official player numbers any more, but that's the state we live in. Players have...

Conan Exiles boasts about its concurrency while looking to stability improvements

While Conan Exiles may have made a fairly quick trip out of early access compared to its peers in the genre, there's always the...

Radical Heights patches in a new scanner and new customization

Where are your enemies in Radical Heights? Considering the fact that it's a battle royale game, they're everywhere. But the latest patch adds in...
Well, you are a bit weak for MMOs on the Switch.

DC Universe Online is releasing its stat rebalance with its next major patch

No one likes seeing numbers go down in an MMO. You work really hard to make sure your attack power goes as high as...
Y'all looking at me?

Wild West Online discusses splitting the difference between scale and player participation

How many players makes an MMO? It seems like a straightforward question, but it's a rather complex one, and one that Wild West Online...