Former Bungie composer announces he doesn’t want to enter politics but is running for Congress anyway
Most people nowadays can only dream of being able to retire in general comfort and security, but it looks as if former Destiny and...
EVE Online political betrayal results in record-breaking theft
The EVE Online twitterverse exploded late last night with the news of a political twist so enormous that it's become the largest recorded theft...
Notorious EVE Online player banned for threatening to cut off someone’s hands in real life
Yes, you've read that headline correctly. It's been an insane day for EVE Online, as players awoke to the news that powerful military alliance...
EVE Evolved: How did World War Bee start and where is it going?
Throughout the almost nine years I've been covering EVE Online in the gaming media, I've been continually amazed at the sheer scale and impact of events that...
Brunelleschi is the staging ground for a ‘Mythic Renaissance’ civilization
Set in a "mythic Renaissance" that blends together history and fantasy, Brunelleschi: Age of Architects is an ambitious social builder that aims to give...