Former Bungie composer announces he doesn’t want to enter politics but is running for Congress anyway


Most people nowadays can only dream of being able to retire in general comfort and security, but it looks as if former Destiny and Halo composer Martin O’Donnell is going to eschew enjoying his later years and throw his hat into the Congressional political ring. Because his family is exhausted of him, evidently? We’re not just being facetious:

“I never wanted to be a politician and I still don’t. I’ve had two successful careers and have started a few small businesses. I’ve also worked for some big corporations. I was ready to retire and spend more time with my family – which I’ve done for the past 3 years. I think they’re ready for me to find something else to do.”

O’Donnell will be running as a Republican for the third congressional district of Nevada, which is currently represented by Democrat Susie Lee. As for his platform, he repeats many of the Republican party’s usual beats, singling out the supposed decline of traditional family values, influences of multiple “big” entities, and border security as the woes facing America.

In addition to tacitly admitting he doesn’t want to be a politician but is trying anyway, his campaign site encourages people to “join Marty’s army,” which is perhaps a bit tone deaf given that his party is associated with a literal insurrection. Finally, his Twitter announcement is embedded with what looks like a Windows Movie Maker text crawl that ends with the baffling slogan of “Be nice to the goose.”

So there you have it: A multiplayer games composer most known for being bad at following the law is entering politics because his family presumably told him to find a hobby and he misunderstood the assignment.

source: Twitter via VG247
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