robert basler

One man, one MMORTS, one early access release

After seven years of development by a man named Robert Basler, The Imperial Realm: Miranda has finally released into early access. Miranda was inspired by...
Yes, it is what it looks like.

The Imperial Realm: Miranda offers up a teaser trailer before a new test weekend

Want to try something very different next weekend? You'll have a chance with the next test weekend for The Imperial Realm: Miranda, a seamless...
Tanks for the memories, you know.

The Imperial Realm: Miranda plans its first playtest weekends

The Imperial Realm: Miranda is likely a game you've never heard of, but the fact that it's an MMORTS with a seamless world is...

The MOP Up: How long would you last in your MMO? (October 4, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...