
Massively Opinionated: Which MMO should never have existed?

In this episode, Larry, Jason, and Brendan debate shocking moments in MMO history -- and the games that should never have been made at all.

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...

Massively Opinionated: How does FFXIV pull off its sub model in 2015?

In this episode, Larry, Mike, and Eliot debate Final Fantasy XIV's business model, Heavensward, and newbie accessibility.

Massively Overthinking: On the popularity of the MMORPG genre

This week's Massively Overthinking comes from Kickstarter donor Syllable, who wonders, "Why do you think MMOs are not as popular as they were few years back?" Is...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO innovation we long for (or do we?)

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes from Kickstarter donor BigMikeyOcho, who wants to talk innovation: "Sometimes when I play MMOs, I get the feeling that I'm...

Massively Opinionated: Which MMO payment model is the best?

In this special podcastish episode, Larry, Justin, MJ, and Bree debate genre definitions, business models, and building the perfect MMO.

Massively Overthinking: On the doom of server-wide MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes from KS donor Morreion, who asks, Do you think that MMO server-wide communities will ever make a comeback? I suppose...

Massively Opinionated: What’s the next big MMO buzzword?

In this episode, Larry, Brendan, and Tina debate next-gen MMOs, unfinished games, and MMO buzzwords.

Massively Overthinking: Random encounters in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter donor TheChiHawk, and it's coming from an unusually not-so-massive corner of gamesdom for us: Are...

Massively Opinionated: What is the biggest PR mistake an MMO’s ever made?

In this episode, Larry, Mike, Tina, and Cosmic Engine debate MMO PR blunders, bad cash shops, and drastic patches.

Massively Overthinking: The value of MMO voice chat

This week's Massively Overthinking question was shot over to us from Kickstarter donor Celestial, and it's all about voice chat in MMOs. Do you use a...

Massively Opinionated: What’s the coolest Guild Wars 2 Elite Spec?

In this episode, Larry, Scott, Rubi, and Aurora Peachy debate Guild Wars 2 stickiness, elite specs, and visual treasures in Heart of Thorns.

Massively Overthinking: The MMO annoyances that provoke ragequits

I'm going to do something I don't do a lot in Massively Overthinking -- or anywhere, really. I'm going to ask you to whine. MOP Kickstarter...

Massively Opinionated: Was ESO’s console release worth the wait?

In this episode, Larry, Troy, Andrew, and Lee debate Elder Scrolls Online, its console launch, and its missing features.

Massively Overthinking: The language barriers of MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes from Kickstarter donor XanadoX, who wants us to talk about "playing MMOs in another language: Korean, Japanese, or even...

Massively Opinionated: How long will SWTOR remain relevant?

In this episode, Larry, Heather, Vulkk, and Redna debate Star Wars: The Old Republic's health and continuing relevance in the MMORPG genre.
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

Massively Overthinking: When IPs are wasted on mediocre MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter donor Aldranis, whose query neatly dovetails with the IP-related question we answered on the...

Massively Opinionated: Which MMO is the stickiest?

In this episode, Larry, Tina, Cosmic Engine, and Jason debate what makes MMORPGs sticky and which game has done it the best.

Massively Overthinking: Nasty labels for players in MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from an anonymous Kickstarter donor, who wanted to talk about excessive namecalling jargon as it pertains to groups...

Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?

For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....