rvr mmorpg

Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning introduces its own homemade dungeon and new event

Who says you can't teach an old MMORPG dog new tricks? That's definitely the case for the Warhammer Online rogue server Return of Reckoning,...

Camelot Unchained’s latest newsletter reaffirms its old-school business model

We've had one Camelot Unchained newsletter, yes, but what about second newsletter? Then prepare for paragraphs from City State Entertainment as it showcases the...

Almost 11 years post-Kickstarter, Camelot Unchained devs are working on UI, lighting, NPC navigation, and performance

Camelot Unchained is moving into its 11th year of development this month, and it looks as if most of the work focus from City...

2009’s Aika Online is coming back for a global re-release in the fourth quarter of this year

Cast your mind back to 2009 and an MMORPG called Aika Online, a game we covered since Ye Olden Dayes all the way to...