One Shots: Gather those rosebuds while you may
Hope you're not allergic to jungle settings and giant plants spewing all manner of pollen and brain-altering parasites, because we're going to the thick...
Stars Reach’s new trailer shows significant visual improvement – and a partial list of professions
Late last night, Playable Worlds dropped a new trailer for Raph Koster's incoming MMORPG sandbox Stars Reach, along with an update for its NDA.
Trove is already preparing its Thanksgiving event as Gamigo puts its whole catalogue on sale
With Halloween behind us, blocky sandbox Trove is already gearing up for a holiday that most MMORPGs don't do at all: Thanksgiving. Trove's version...
Smilegate’s new survivalbox IfSunSets hits early access on Steam tomorrow
Smilegate is continuing to stick its fingers into many pies - that's not meant to sound naughty, we swear - with the full reveal...
One Shots: A sticky situation, indeed
While I am a general fan of honey, the fact that this is a dessert guarded by hundreds of bees does turn my attention...
One Shots: The destiny of dragons
World of Warcraft may not be in the Dragonflight era any longer, but The War Within's first big content update had a lot of love for...
Final Fantasy XIV launches a preview site for its upcoming Crossroads patch
The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV is on its way, and that means that players can start gawking at some of the additions...
Black Desert adds Halloween events to mobile, a spooky boss fight on console, and class updates to PC
The spookytimes are continuing to spread across Black Desert as both BDO Console and BDO Mobile players can enjoy their seasonal fun in this...
Destiny Rising talks down fears of a stamina mechanic after a UI screenshot makes the rounds
Earlier this month, NetEase officially confirmed the existence of Destiny: Rising, a mobile version of the looter shooter that was initially leaked by Bungie...
Classic Guild Wars baddies and bog mummies inspired Guild Wars 2’s Janthir Wilds boss design
If you, as a Guild Wars 2 player, have had your fill of candy corn and the Mad King wrecking your face in jumping...
No Man’s Sky launches its spoopy 16th expedition, The Cursed, just in time for Halloween
Well now this is a treat: While most MMOs have a Halloween event these days, it's not quite as common to get an entire...
Throne & Liberty spools up its Halloween event, Haunted Harvest, this week
When Throne and Liberty launched an update last week, all we saw in the replies was demands for Halloween. Well, your demands will soon...
One Shots: Come into my lair, sweetling
As we creep toward Halloween, our crack One Shots photojournalists were on the ground in various games grabbing us first-hand demonstrations of the season's...
Here’s how Elder Scrolls Online’s U44 is rescuing PvP battlegrounds for casuals and hardcores
If you were thinking that Elder Scrolls Online's update 44 isn't packing quite the same sparkling DLC punch as past Q4 updates from the...
Vindictus turns 14 years old as Nexon launches the Ruin of the Forsaken update
Judging by the number of announcement posts and press releases Nexon is dispatching for Vindictus today, I think it's safe to say that the...
Fractured is going free-to-play as it revamps its content model around seasons
Fractured Online's devs have been a bit quiet over the last month, you may have noticed, but there was a method to the madness,...
Guild Wars 2 fans can trick-or-treat at player houses in this year’s Shadow of the Mad King event
The best Guild Wars 2 event of the year (if you don't count Super Adventure Box) has arrived as of today, as the Shadow...
Brighter Shores shares load testing and new screenshots as it marches towards early access
If you're hearing the loud clanging of hammers and the rattling torquing of wrenches, that's just Brighter Shores doing a bit of tuning up...
One Shots: The crackle and pop of a homestead hearth
No matter how long the road, how great the challenges, or how tempting the loot, at the end of the day we simply want...
Star Wars Galaxies Legends expands the Galactic Moon Festival for Halloween 2024
One of the oldest - and goofiest - MMORPG Halloween events has returned today thanks to player-run Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends:...