social interaction

I don't even know.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite way to show off in an MMO?

It's a holiday here in the United States, and more specifically it's a holiday we usually celebrate by blowing things up in colorful displays...
So... this is a thing.

Choose My Adventure: Many kinds of lost in Shroud of the Avatar

One of the first things I did in Shroud of the Avatar was get kind of lost. The last week's activities were largely similar....

Massively Overthinking: Overcoming ‘Barrens chat’ culture

Tonight's Massively Overthinking aims to address a core problem facing the whole internet, not just games: antisocial behavior. Our question comes from Kickstarter donor Katie...

MMO Mechanics: How strong communities are barriers-to-exit

MMOs occupy a unique position in our game libraries because they include a wide range of clever mechanics that keep us logging in day...