staff roundtable

Massively Overthinking: FOMO and time-limited events in MMORPGs

Earlier this week, Daybreak told players it wanted to get back to time-limited events in DC Universe Online. "Events make logging in every day...

Massively Overthinking: Gratitude for the people of the MMORPG genre

It's Thanksgiving here in the US, and we wish you all a happy one, whether you're celebrating locally or not. For this week's Massively Overthinking...

Massively Overthinking: The many ‘NGE’ moments across MMORPG history

Eleven years ago this week, the New Game Enhancements patch descended on Star Wars Galaxies, forever changing the trajectory of the game, SOE, and...

Massively Overthinking: Nickel-and-diming in MMORPGs

Massively OP reader and listener Suikoden79 recently wrote in to the podcast with a gem of a question I thought would be more fun...

Massively Overthinking: The MMORPG board games connection

MOP reader Kastaguro sent us an interesting question last month about MMORPGs, board games, and a possible playerbase shift. "I was wondering if any of...

Massively Overthinking: Our five favorite MMORPGs of all time

Earlier this week, Redditor maxpower888 started an epic thread on the /r/mmorpg sub asking everyone to chime in and name his or her top five...
Losing in a way that's incidentally the same as not in fact losing at all.

Massively Overthinking: Real solutions to the MMO toxicity problem

Toxicity. It's plagued online spaces since long before there were MMORPGs and other online video games, as any old school BBS user can attest....

Massively Overthinking: The classes MMORPGs never do

No one wants to play Uncle Owen, a certain MMORPG exec famously said -- except, you know, for all the people who really, really...

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for Amazon’s New World

The announcement of a new sandbox MMORPG last week -- New World, by none other than Amazon Game Studios itself -- has had both...

Massively Overthinking: Are you suffering from MMORPG burnout?

In last week's Daily Grind about whether or not MMOs are better the second time you play them, the topic of burnout came up. "I find...

Massively Overthinking: Are MMORPG collector’s editions worth the money?

I have a confession to make: I pretty much never buy collector's editions of anything, especially MMORPGs. Call me cheap, I guess, but there's...

Massively Overthinking: Prestige systems in MMORPGs

Last week, an interesting question dropped into our team inbox. It was from a game developer -- I don't know for which game --...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the worst MMORPG for duos?

Massively OP reader Styopa recently wrote in to us to propose that we write about the best MMORPGs for duoing. I was all set...

Massively Overthinking: Please complain about MMOs, loudly and insistently

Last weekend, the blogosphere exploded over an article that essentially told the MMORPG community to shut up, sit down, and stop complaining about things...

Massively Overthinking: Guilty pleasures in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Patron Duane, who asks, "Do you take simple joy in MMO mechanics that are often referred...
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Massively Overthinking: The best combat systems in MMORPGs

One of the big problems in the MMORPG genre as I see it is game studios' inclination to prioritize combat above all else, turning...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG soundtracks

MOP's Justin Olivetti created the music-centered Jukebox Heroes column back on Massively-that-was and brought it along to us here, and to this day it's...

Massively Overthinking: One more chance for WoW Legion?

The World of Warcraft subreddit went nuts this week over a response to a player who told Blizzard that it had "one more chance... again"...

Massively Overthinking: Starting over with MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic is from a reader named Yasser, who asked us: "If you had to pick one MMO to experience all over...

Massively Overthinking: The golden age of MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking is a serious one from our dear Patreon patron Duane. Here's the jumping off point for his topic: "There has lately...