
Overwatch’s Wrecking Ball is already kicking ass and taking names

When my husband logged off Overwatch last night, he put down his headset and said, "Yeah, Wrecking Ball is amazing, and I can't wait...

The Stream Team: SWTOR’s KOTET plot twist

Plot twist! This was the only thing Massively OP's Larry and MJ could say after the revelation that ended the last episode of SWTOR's...

SuperData suggests Fortnite is ‘cannibalizing’ top online games as Epic’s value reaches $14B

Last week, SuperData released a thinkpiece on how Fortnite isn't necessarily destroying the rest of the gaming industry, but hold up because this week...

The Stream Team: DCUO’s The Death of Superman Finale

It's time for the final act -- when the curtain falls for Superman. Well, technically it fell during the second half of DCUO's The...

The Stream Team: Going after Warframe’s Archwing

Massively OP's MJ has been missing one major component of feeling like a fully fledged 'Frame in Warframe: her Archwing. And now she is...

The Stream Team: Popping Trove’s piñata warriors

Today Trove's piñata event is supposed to end, but Massively OP's MJ doesn't know when. That means she has no idea how long she...
Baby, it's cold outside.

World of Warcraft: Mexican wrestling, movie cuts, and Battle for Azeroth story spoilers

There is just no way to smoothly mesh this Frankenstein assortment of World of Warcraft stories together, so hang tight -- abrupt transitions ahead. Why...

The Stream Team: Go west, young Conan Exiles

Since the swamp biome released, Massively OP's MJ has been spending all of her Conan Exiles time there. But the desert is still an...

The Stream Team: Surviving the first steps in Survived By

She has but one life to give. Massively OP's MJ tried out a demo for Survived By -- a different sort of survival game with...

The Stream Team: Looking at Legends of Aria’s closed beta

Alpha is but a memory from the past -- Legends of Aria has moved on to closed beta. That means Massively OP's MJ needs...

The Stream Team: Solving Scorched Desert mysteries in Secret World Legends

It's time to give her brain a workout! Massively OP's MJ left the best for last in Secret World Legends; she still has five...

SuperData: Fortnite’s success hit League of Legends and PUBG hard, but not all online games are struggling

There's a new thinkpiece out on how Fortnite happened and what it all means every week lately, but SuperData's latest might be a comfort...

LOTRO calls Middle-earth groupies to celebrate Weatherstock X

There is perhaps no MMO player music festival as well-known and -attended as the yearly bash at the summit of Lord of the Rings...

The Stream Team: Star Trek Online’s Victory is Life story through Jem’Hadar eyes

Massively OP's MJ made a Gamma Recruit Jem'Hadar last week, and now that he is out of the intro, she's ready to take him...

Digital Extremes’ retro permadeath MMO Survived By has entered closed beta

Digital Extremes has officially launched Survived By into closed beta today, accompanied by a hefty patch including a new 10-man raid, hardmode dungeons, UI...

The Stream Team: Taking puppy for a Warframe walk

Massively OP's MJ has a cute little throat-ripping puppy in Warframe, and it's all grown up and ready to play! So MJ is going...

The Stream Team: Sunfest fun in Trove

Summer sun means Sunfest fun in Trove. For the rest of this week Trovians and Geodians alike can enjoy this seasonal festival, and Massively...

The Stream Team: Walking that Path of Exile journey

There is a path. For Exiles. And Massively OP's MJ is an exile traveling that path. Where will it lead her today? Into danger!...

The Stream Team: Happy anniversary Skyforge

Three years ago Skyforge soft launched itself into the MMOverse. Today, Massively OP's MJ celebrates that event with fans by leaping back into the...

The Stream Team: Chest-birthing critter companions in ARK

So, there's this thing in ARK... a different thing. A thing where you birth your own pet. Yes, you read that right. Possibly one...