valentines 2017

Dark age of hearts, more like.

Dark Age of Camelot invites players to take part in matters of the heart

Just because times are dark in and around Camelot doesn't mean that nobody's finding the time to love. Dark Age of Camelot is bringing...
date you a person who...

Riders of Icarus invites you to date a GM for Valentine’s Day

How often do you really think about the poor GMs in your game of choice? You call them to complain over every little problem...
Wait for it.

DC Universe Online patches in vendor discounts and its Valentine’s event

Love is in the air in DC Universe Online with the game's latest patch, which is happening today. It might be happening right now...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI brings out Valentione’s Day once again

Players have been exploring Vana'diel for nearly two decades now, but Final Fantasy XI is still finding new ways to encourage players to bond...