video game addiction
So-called gaming addiction and Fortnite myopia aren’t just a problem for The Children
If you're over that whole lockbox politics thing, you can always fall back on the moral panic that's gripping parents and teachers instead: video...
Academics argue WHO’s ‘gaming disorder’ is arbitrary, criticize lack of evidentiary transparency
Researchers and self-regulatory bodies are continuing their denouncement of the World Health Organization's plan to classify "gaming addiction" as a "gaming disorder." The Entertainment...
Academics debate WHO ‘gaming disorder’ classification and global political implications
Remember how the World Health Organization is angling to classify gaming addiction as a "gaming disorder"? Researchers and self-regulatory bodies have been pushing back...
Academics weigh in on ‘gaming addiction’ claims
We've previously discussed that according to the Manual of Mental Disorders and the industry standard Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, gaming addiction isn't a...
A cautionary tale on video game addiction
No matter where we come from or our walk of life, all of us reading this site have one thing in common: We have...