Elite Dangerous rolls back background sim data due to errors


Keeping with the tradition that politics doesn’t tend to make one’s life better, Elite Dangerous has had to rollback its background sim data to a pre-patch state.

“We’ve had a number of reports of some significant errors with the background sim data since the 2.3 update went live,” Frontier reported. “The dev teams have been hard at work and believe they have a fix identified which they are aiming to deploy tomorrow. However, this will involve rolling back BGS data to a pre 2.3 state.”

The good news is that this isn’t a full game rollback, which would certainly stink. The background sim data is the part of Elite Dangerous that handles the complex system politics and allows the galaxy’s borders and faction territory to be reshaped on the fly.

Elite Dangerous released its The Commanders update earlier this week that allowed players to create their own avatars for the first time.

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