On April 26th, En Masse posted a notice on the forums informing players that any and all third-party mods are a violation of the game’s TOS — without exception. Players were then urged to uninstall any such programs, and En Masse said that it would be combing logs for evidence of cheating that would lead to bans.
Initially following the notice, the studio continued to forbid players from discussing third-party programs (including the announcement), but subsequently changed its mind as players got heated over the add-ons, the possibility of bans, and the suppression of conversation.
A day later, En Masse wrote a follow-up to explain its decision and calm fears that this was the beginning of a “mass player eradication” for anyone who was using third-party apps, whether the programs were malicious or not.
“So why are ‘innocent’ 3rd party programs suddenly not allowed? The answer is that… well… no 3rd party programs were allowed to begin with,” the studio said. “Some people have been discretely using them and haven’t been banned, and now recent events have called the use of ALL 3rd party programs into question, throwing a spotlight on some of those people.”