Welcome to Massively OP 2.0!

tappa tappa tappa

Aaaaand we’re back up! We’ve updated below!

Old post: Hi folks! We wanted to let our readers know that we’ll be undergoing some site maintenance and and upgrade to MassivelyOP 2.0 this weekend, so your reading and commenting will likely be interrupted.

As some of you know, we upgraded our server situation a few weekends ago, and now we’re moving to the second phase of our upgrade plan, which involves a whole new look for Massively OP. We originally chose the site’s layout at 3 a.m. in the morning back in 2015 when the one we commissioned fell through but we still needed to launch in a big hurry. We’ve been building on it out of momentum ever since, but it’s time for a change! The new layout and look was picked and tweaked specifically to improve navigation and visibility of content and knock a bunch of entries off my notoriously long wish list, but it has a few fun perks too. I personally cannot wait to get 2.0 live because it’s such a vast improvement over the 1.0 version of the site.

We anticipate up to a few hours of downtime tonight, Friday, September 14th, beginning around 9 p.m. EDT, during which the site and comments will be inaccessible. The comment system and image database will not be affected, except in that it will be inaccessible during the downtime, so you don’t need to worry about losing data. It’s possible we’ll need to add additional downtime blocks over the weekend; we’ll try to give a bit of warning in the comments of this post and on Twitter too. Expect a few things out of place as we patch things up on the live site over the next few days.

Wish us luck!

Late Friday update: We’re back now!

The upgrade went mostly according to plan, so you are now looking at MOP 2.0. Thumbnails have not finished regenerating, so you will see some not-quite-the-right-size images in widgets and the carousel overnight while that process continues. We’ve decided to bring the site up anyway rather than keep it down for thumbnails. Tomorrow, a hard refresh in your browser should clear up the stragglers and make things look more like what we all expect.

Feel free to poke around – we think the new layout displays much more content than before, with a much more convenient navigational system to boot – no more stuff falling off the front page within a few hours. We will continue work on some of the cosmetic-only issues this weekend and currently do not expect any additional downtime. Just pardon the mess while we tinker!

Saturday morning update

Thumbnails should be finished now, so just hard refresh! We’ve added an additional update and response to some of the more common feedback down below in the comments. ;)

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